Acoustic silencers Silentver

Acoustic silencers Silentver

Silencers are the devices that reduce noise in air transmission systems, generated by ventilation devices and accessories such as air handling units, fans, duct air conditioners, regulators, dampers.




Technical parameters

Order key



CLV-B and CLV-BP silencers and CLVK-B and CLVK-BP silencer baffles are used to reduce noise generated by ventilation and air-conditioning devices and other installation elements such as regulators or dampers.

They are also used to lower noise transmision between rooms, through duct installation.

If the total weight of the silencer exceeds 200 kg, it is shipped in parts. Separate baffles and housing.

Due to the use of Climaver plates, the silencers are resistant to mechanical cleaning.


The baffles are made of lower and upper troughs and rounded front profiles made of galvanized steel. As a sound-absorbing material directly in contact with the flowing air we use Climaver A2 Black 25 mm and Climaver A2 Plus 25 mm duct boards. As a filling between the board we use glass mineral wool. Unlike other producers , the silencer casing is also made of sound-absorbing material, i.e. Climaver A2 Black duct boards. As a standard, they are finished with a 20 or 30 mm frame, depending on the dimensions. The use of rounded front elements significantly reduces flow resistance.



The damping buffles are produced in two thicknesses: 100 and 200 mm. The standard ending is made of rounded profiles made of galvanized steel sheet.

  • B – absorption baffles made of Climaver A2 Black 25 mm boards on both sides are recommended for damping in the medium and high frequencies.
  • BP – absorption and resonance baffles made of Climaver A2 Black 25 mm boards on one side and Climaver A2 Plus 25 mm boards on other side are recommended for damping in the low and medium frequency range.
Technical parameters
  • The range of permissible operating pressures: -800 to +800 Pa
  • Maximum air flow speed between the baffles: 20 m/s
  • Working temperature: up to 100°C
  • Casing: from Climaver A2 Black 25 mm or 40 mm boards
  • Tightness class: B

Acceptable dimensions

  • Width: 200-2800 mm
  • Height: 200-2800 mm
  • Length: 500-2000 mm
  • Distances between the baffles: 60-200 mm

Order key


  • CLV – rectangular silencer,
  • B – baffles on both sides made of Climaver A2 Black 25 mm boards,
  • 200 – baffle thickness in [mm] (possible thickness 100 and 200 mm),
  • 100 – distance between the baffles in [mm] (range from 60 to 200 mm),
  • 4 – amount of baffles [pcs.],
  • 1200 – internal width in [mm] (range from 200 to 2800 mm),
  • 400 – internal height in [mm] (range from 200 to 2800 mm),
  • 1500 – silencer length “from frame to frame” in [mm] (range from 500 to 2000 mm),
  • 25 – silencer casing type (25 - Climaver A2 Black 25 mm, 40 - Climaver A2 Black 40 mm),
  • 30 – frame type (possible type 20 and 30),
  • 0 – baffle ending with a rounded profile


  • CLVK – damping baffle
  • BP – baffles made of Climaver A2 Black boards on other side and Climaver A2 Plus boards on one side,
  • 100 – baffle thickness in [mm] (possible thickness 100 and 200 mm),
  • 1500 – silencer length in [mm] (range from 500 to 2000 mm),
  • 0 – baffle ending with a rounded profile.


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Firma Handlowa BH Res | 35-205 Rzeszów, ul. Torowa 3 | tel/fax (017) 864 13 13
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