Glass mineral wool

The development of new techniques for making air ducts has always been aimed at meeting the increasing requirements for the quality of the supplied air, energy savings and installation efficiency. As a result of many years of research work aimed at creating the most perfect air transmission method, CLIMAVER systems were created , which are made based on the CLIMAVER panels.



CLIMAVER panels are rigid panels made of densely compressed glass fibers bonded with thermosetting resin, covered on the outside with reinforced aluminum foil constituting an air barrier and with various coatings on the side of the flowing air stream.
The plates are used to make ready-made, thermally and acoustically insulated ducts with a rectangular cross-section, intended for air transmission in air-conditioning, ventilation and air heating systems.

The  duct boards have edges preformed into male and female edges, which allows for a quick and easy way to obtain a strong and tight transverse connection .


CLIMAVER panels have been designed to enable supply and exhaust ducts transporting air with a maximum working temperature of 120 °C, with a maximum speed of 20 m/s and with a maximum internal static pressure of 800 Pa.

Due to the very good sound suppression properties, the use of Climaver systems is especially recommended in buildings with the highest acoustic requirements, such as recording studios, television and radio studios, philharmonic halls, theaters, cinemas, libraries, conference and lecture halls, as well as offices, hospital rooms, residential buildings, etc.



Thanks to corrosion-resistant aluminum coatings, Climaver panels are used in facilities such as swimming pools, spa facilities or various food production facilities.

In buildings where cleaning of ducts is required more than once a year,  we recommend, that Climaver Metal System should be used.

The ducts made in the Climaver system are extremely light (2.5 ÷ 3.3 kg/m2) - about 4 times lighter than sheet metal ducts. That allows to use these systems in buildings where structural loads are reduced, especially in the case of adaptation of old buildings or the construction of large-volume halls.


Limitations of use

Climaver  duct system should not be used in conditions where the permissible parameters of the transmitted air (temperature, pressure, flow velocity) have been exceeded.

The CLIMAVER  duct board cannot be used where damage to the board surface cannot be prevented during the system operation, e.g. in low garages  etc.

Ducts made of Climaver panels are not suitable for the discharge of exhaust gases  and the transmission of solids or liquids or any caustic gases.

Most ducts made of Climaver panels installed outside the building must be insulated and protected with a sheet metal jacket. Only Climaver Star system ducts do not require such protection.

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Firma Handlowa BH Res | 35-205 Rzeszów, ul. Torowa 3 | tel/fax (017) 864 13 13
Systemy wentylacyjne - Wentylacja Rzeszów
Kanały z wełny mineralnej szklanej, kratki wentylacyjne, nawiewniki, termostaty, klimatyzacja oraz przewody elastyczne.
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