Transmited air quality

Ensuring cleanliness inside ventilation and air-conditioning installations is an increasingly discussed issue in Poland. Due to the possibility of quality deterioration of the of the air supplied to the rooms, and, consequently, the threat to the health of people staying in the air-conditioned interiors of buildings - as a result of the penetration from the installations carried away by the flowing air, previously deposited dust and microorganisms developing in the dust - the hygienic condition of the installation is beginning to raise concerns not only by designers, but also  by owners and users of the buildings. When the level of contamination increases significantly, it is necessary to clean the entire ventilation system.

Based on tests carried out in an independent laboratory and in accordance with the PN-EN 13403 standard, the Climaver System ducts do not show any properties conducive to the development of mold.


n order to clean the ducts inspection openings should be made in the installation. These openings are spaced on average 10-12 m along each branch of the installation. It is important that these openings should be tightly closed when they are not in use. Using H, U profiles and Climaver aluminum tape, you can easily make openings and insulated inspection covers of any sizes.



The Climaver system has been tested with the following methods: cleaning with a pressurized and suction system and a system with pressure and brushing achieving the best results with the latter.

The components of the Climaver System and making this type of ducts, based on the STRAIGHT SECTION METHOD, allow to reduce to a minimum the number of internal cuts and present a durable connections and exceptional stiffness of individual elements.

These ducts have been deliberately designed in such a way that they can be cleaned by brushing without damaging them.



Noteworthy is the fact that the Climaver A2 Black panels have been equipped with a special "Neto" glass fiber fabric as an internal coating. This coating has a very positive effect on the acoustic properties of the ducts and at the same time, due to its exceptional durability, makes the ducts resistant to mechanical cleaning by brushing. Therefore the Climaver A2 Black panel can be also used in the Climaver Metal System.


The strength of the "Neto" fabric as the inner coating of the Climaver A2 Black panel is confirmed by a simple coin rub test.


The only Climaver panel that is not resistant to cleaning by brushing is the Climaver B Black panel with an internal coating made of voile/glass veil. Ducts made of this board can be cleaned only by blowing and suctioning.

The company Clinika Sp. z o. o. performed fatigue tests of Climaver systems and developed effective technologie for their cleaning and disinfection. We recommend Clinika as a reliable partner in the field of maintenance for Climaver systems.


Clinikka Technology
ul. Złoczowska 29, 03-972 Warszawa
tel. (022) 616-02-10
fax (022) 617-42-06


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